When I moved to Phillipsburg, Kansas, I found my people, I found my church, I found my community! It is safe here; people know us and know our kids. Someone is always watching out over us. I never wanted to leave. I cannot say enough good things about my current home.
Now that I have set the stage for all the reasons I never want to leave. Let me share with you what obedience looks like when God calls you to do something you don't want to do.
Never before had my business name WayMaker been more forefront in my mind than it is now.
I know I have shared with you before but, my husband is the smartest person I have ever met. Because he is so smart and good at what he does, he has had many opportunities for promotion. He has declined them all for various reasons. One of them being our community (friends, church, town etc.)
So, imagine my surprise when I am planning a life here and God suddenly calls me from the place I want to live forever to a place that is unknown. This is where I have an opportunity to walk in obedience or walk in my own path.

I was driving home from the community garden (yes, we have a community garden. Another reason this community is amazing) and I felt my heart soften to moving. I immediately started praying. I felt the tears well up in my eyes at the thought of leaving, but my prayer was this "Lord, you've just softened my heart to the thought of moving, if this is you, let Jeff (my husband) get the opportunity for a promotion in the next 2 weeks." After my prayer. I cried. I sobbed as I drove to work because I knew what lay before me.
Roughly one week later, my husband came home from work and told me that he had been approached about an opportunity out in Eastern Kansas. They wanted to send us out there for a long weekend to check out the area/location to see if it is something he would be interested in doing. At this moment, I broke my silence on my heart softening and my prayer.
A few weeks later we went to Eastern Kansas. My husband kept saying "If we move..." I finally stopped him and said "Jeff, we are moving. God already told me, so you can stop saying 'IF'".
Obedience is hard sometimes. Actually, obedience is hard all the time. It fights against our flesh and our own desires, but if we are meant to live a life that is glorifying to God, obedience is a requirement.
I was obedient when I stepped out in faith and started WayMaker Fabrics, and now, I am being obedient as I step out in faith, uproot my family and my business to move to a new location.

We’re not closing the shop—we’re just moving to a new location!
You can still place orders from December 16th, 2024, onwards; however, processing will only begin once we’re fully set up in our new space. While there may be a brief wait of up to a month for your order, this timing is quite common in the fabric industry.
Thank you so much for your support and understanding! I look forward to fulfilling your orders as quickly as possible in the new year. And if you'd like to send us off with a bang, feel free to stock up and order big before December 15th!
With gratitude, Christina