These Breast Cancer fabric designs are for every woman who has battled Breast Cancer. They are for the sewist that wants to support their loved one who is quietly battling, or who lost their battle with Breast Cancer. These fabric designs are for the kids who want to support their mother, aunt, grandma or loved one.
Yes, I know it is not breast cancer awareness month, unfortunately, Breast Cancer doesn't wait until October to impact people's lives, so I am releasing three Breast Cancer awareness designs in April.
You might be wondering what led to the decision to release them now. Well, the answer to that is tied up in the story of my aunt. My Aunt Sharon was diagnosed with Breast Cancer (BC) around 25 years ago. Her cancer was very aggressive and had a low remission rate. She did all the treatments, changed her lifestyle, prayed and regularly asked God to send her butterflies as a sign that he hears her, is with her, and things are going to be okay.
Asking for something and believing the God of the universe is going to provide is a huge step of faith to begin with, but my aunt, a devout Catholic who lives her life to give glory and honor to God asked Him for something. Something simple. Butterflies. And boy did He provide!
She would walk out of a shop and a swarm of butterflies would be waiting to greet her. She would receive a random card in the mail from some charity organization asking for money, and guess what the design on the card was? You guessed it, butterflies. She would be praying, and a butterfly would land on or around her. She was inundated with butterflies throughout her fight.
Then after 16 wonderful years in remission the BIG C came back. This time it had made it into her liver and her spine. If you know anything about cancer you know that those are two places that you never want to have it settle and take root. I would love to say that her prayer life resumed or something like that, but the honest truth is, my Aunt Sharon has one of the most active and faithful prayer life of anyone I have ever met. She truly lives to give glory to the Father. The butterflies continued.
My aunt is still fighting and winning the battle. Her cancer manages to stay unchanged after a very unexpected shrinkage of the tumors against ALL medical opinions and diagnoses.
I believe I have found myself a little off track, but I hope this explains why for a round drop all about bugs, I simply HAD to use butterflies, and create some Breast Cancer awareness designs.
I have aptly named these designs for my loved ones who are currently fighting.
For Sharon whose favorite color is pink and pink is the Breast Cancer color.

For Bethany: We all have a Bethany, right? That friend who is struggling in silence. That loved one who you know is battling the big C but won't say a word about it. Maybe YOU are Bethany? To all the Bethany's. We see you! We stand with you, we pray for you, and even if you will not share your struggle, we struggle right along with you.

Painted Butterflies: Because Breast Cancer awareness can be whimsical too. It doesn't always have to be serious. This print is designed for kids, but many adults love it too! It has four coordinating color designs that can be used to make it something really special.
If you are currently battling Breast Cancer and would love prayer, please sent an email to info@waymakerfabrics.com, and my prayer team and I will pray for you. You are not alone.
If you would like to purchase one of these designs you can select any of our 11 base fabrics and have it printed on them. Check out our website waymakerfabrics.com